unshETHZap - Dependencies
ReentrancyGuard is a Solidity contract module that helps prevent reentrant calls to a function. Reentrancy is a fallback in smart contracts that allows the contract to be called into a loop, which can lead to unintended behavior or exploits. This contract module provides a {nonReentrant} modifier, which can be applied to functions to prevent reentrant calls. It is noted that functions marked as {nonReentrant} should not call one another, but this can be worked around by making those functions private and adding external {nonReentrant} entry points to them.
Abstract contract that provides a guard against re-entrant calls to a function.
Constant private variable representing the contract not entered state.
Constant private variable representing the contract entered state.
Private variable that represents the current status of the contract.
constructor() internal
Internal constructor that sets the initial status of the contract to _NOT_ENTERED.
modifier nonReentrant()
Modifier that prevents a contract from calling itself, directly or indirectly. Calling a nonReentrant function from another nonReentrant function is not supported.
- ReentrancyGuard: reentrant call: Error that is thrown when a reentrant call is detected.