LSDVault - Dependencies


The file 'Address.sol' is a Solidity library containing functionality related to Ethereum addresses. It provides various low-level operations such as checking if an address is a contract, sending value to an address, and performing function calls, static calls, and delegate calls to an address. It is used for interaction with addresses in a secure and standardized manner within a smart contract.

A library of functions for handling operations related to Ethereum addresses.

function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) Checks if the given account address is a contract.

  • account address: The address to check.

  • bool: Returns true if the account is a contract, false otherwise.

function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal Sends a specified amount of wei to a recipient address.

  • recipient address payable: The address to send wei to.

  • amount uint256: The amount of wei to send.

  • Address: insufficient balance: Thrown if the balance of the current contract is less than the amount to send.

  • Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted: Thrown if the recipient address reverts the transaction.

function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) Performs a low level function call to a target address.

  • target address: The address of the contract to call.

  • data bytes memory: The function signature and encoded arguments.

  • bytes memory: The raw returned data from the function call.

  • Address: low-level call failed: Thrown if the low-level call fails.
