LSDVault Contracts



Split reference

This reference file was too long so it is split into multiple chunks. This is chunk number III.

This is a Solidity file which seems to define a smart contract for an Ethereum-based decentralized application. The contract appears to be related to the management of a vault for LSD (presumably a token symbol), with functions for checking remaining room to cap/target in ETH terms, redeeming unshETH, handling timelock proposals, migrating vaults, and setting VdAmm. Several administrative and emergency functions are also present.

function remainingRoomToCapInEthTerms(address lsd, uint256 marginalDepositEth) public view returns (uint256) Function to calculate the remaining room to cap in terms of Ethereum.

  • lsd address: The address of the LSD token.

  • marginalDepositEth uint256: The marginal deposit in terms of Ethereum.

  • uint256: The remaining room to cap in terms of Ethereum.

function setRedeemFee(uint256 _redeemFee) external onlyOwner Function to set the fee for redeeming unshETH tokens.

  • _redeemFee uint256: The fee for redeeming unshETH tokens.

function createTimelockProposal(TimelockFunctions _fn, address _proposedAddress) public onlyOwner Function to create a timelock proposal.

  • _fn TimelockFunctions: The timelock function to be proposed.
  • _proposedAddress address: The proposed address for the timelock function.

function updateShanghaiTime(uint256 _newTime) external onlyOwnerOrAdmin Function to update the Shanghai time.

  • _newTime uint256: The new Shanghai time to be set.
LSDVault.sol - Part II